Saturday, May 23, 2009

Account Checklist

Before going any further, use this checklist to make sure you have your account set up to get a good start.

My username represents me by using my name, a nickname, or my business/brand name. My username contains no punctuation (including no underlines) and identifies me in the shortest possible number of characters.

I’ve included my real name so people can find me with a people search.

I’ve included my real name with my business Twitter account (a business username) to put a personal face with my company and brand.

My link points to my blog, my website, my Twitter landing page, or another online resource that helps people get the flavor of my personality or a sample of my work.

My one-line bio captures my personality, or explains my company and brand.

My location is my city and state. I’ve used either the standard two-letter state abbreviation or spelled out my state name.

I’ve uploaded a photograph avatar (picture) that clearly shows my face.

I have not protected my updates. These items give you a basic Twitter account setup. Later, you can refine your account settings to support your Twitter goals. Don’t fret about these decisions. You can change them later.

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